Harvesting water from the fog

For the year 2022, our flagship project is the construction of a “fog catchers” installation to harvest water from the fog. This project is the continuation of the test project that was carried out in 2021 and consists of 3 phases:
1. Construction of 3 water tanks of 15 cubic meters
2. Development of a water distribution system to make water available to all families in the community
3. Construction of 10 large fog catchers (6 x 4m), connected to the water tanks (this 3rd phase will be completed in April 2023, at the beginning of the fog season)

The project is carried out with the leaders of the community, managed by our friend-engineer Vladimir and supervised by Bruno, our representative in Lima. The construction work is done entirely by the population of the community thus ensuring that the project is well supported by the local population. We are impressed by their hard work and their commitment to improving their living conditions under difficult circumstances and we are more committed than ever to help them!

Harvesting water from the fog
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